Saturday, July 18, 2009


I'm 22 years old.  Even though responsibility has found its way into my life, it doesn't mean I'm dead.  

You know when you go to a local restaurant and you see an old man drinking his coffee looking miserable all by his lonesome?  Maybe he was a successful business man but never had a family due to his all work and no play mentality.  I don't know, maybe he's senile and doesn't remember what he ate earlier that day.  

On the other hand, you see those old couples walking together holding hands enjoying life together.  As embarrassing as this is to say, it's like what those two old people in The Notebook should have been experiencing.  *Side note:  I was forced to watch it.*  **Double side note:  No I wasn't.**  I want to be that man when I'm older.  I want to feel complete.

Thus, why do people always take the safe route for everything?  I'm talking, the risky people that always take the safe route once they get out of college and start with the whole "real world" thing.  I'm going all out now so when I'm 40 years old and looking back on my life, I will have no regrets.

If you have a dream, follow it now.  Do it while you're young.  Even if you're older and always wanted to accomplish something, take a couple years out of your life and do it!  What is stopping you, man?

If you play the guitar and dream to be on stage one day, work harder and do it.  You can be the best.  If you sing and know you can sing, why not do it and be the next Janis Joplin?

The most fulfilling experience of my life is when somebody compliments me on what I create - most of the time it's created in my basement or in my bedroom.  That is the coolest feeling to create something so organic and have other people take something from it and put it into their own lives.  

If you don't have a talent and you're more business minded, why not start your own business?  You know you can do it, but you're scared of failing.  Who cares, man?  Nobody is going to make fun of you if you fail.  Go all out or else you're going to be looking back on what could have been.

I've never felt more comfortable in my life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's MAggie from myspace (lil shawty<3cutie)This is a well written blog, TJ! It's sooo true too- you need to know what you want to do in life and also enjoy doing whatever it is you're doing. Wish on a start and then go after your dream. I'll always be here for you and encourage you and support you- you'll always be in my prayers. I love you so much TJ- my bestie for life! =)
