Sometimes we all feel hopeless no matter what it is we are doing. The live life happy 100% of the time book is found in the fiction section. Let's face it. There have been times where I never wanted to show my face in high school, withdraw from Penn State, and give up music altogether and think about my family in the long run. I have been to sea level when it comes to emotions, but I have been on top of the world as well. Life is a weird game.
What I've learned through all of my years on this earth (I feel like Ghandi or something) is that you have to let the emotions play their part. Without sad, you wouldn't have happy. Without bad, there would be no good. Just remember, that time will always pass. That test that you freaked out about for a week studying until your brain exploded which you failed anyways will not matter in a few years. You won't even think about it. That boy or girl you cried about for a week won't matter once you find a better one. Trust me, you will.
This is another reason why my song Why Worry? means so much to me. When I get down in the dumps, I remember that I'm going to be worm food one day anyways and it won't matter then.
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